Producer DS Pahwa, known for his classy yet contagious plays, is back with his next mega-production ''Kuchh Meetha Ho Jaye'' an emotional rollercoaster, directed by Raman Kumar. Starring Sudha Chandran and Riddhima Rakesh Bedi as the mother and daughter duo with Paintal, Avtar Gill, Ravi Gossain, Poojaa Raajput and Harshita Shukla among others, Kuchh Meetha Ho Jaye is a play about relationships and memories. “A play dealing with a sweet relationship gone sour,” divulged Producer DS Pahwa.
Ravi Gossain, Paintal, Raman Kumar, Avtar Gill and DS Pahwa at the rehearsals of play Kuch Meetha Ho Jaye to be staged on 31st March at Rang Sharda Auditorium |
Ace director Raman Kumar averred, “It is a play about the emotional turmoil between a mother and a daughter. What can happen if a daughter hates her mother, or worse if, she believes that her mother is the reason for her father’s death.”
The cast and crew of the play Kuchh Meetha Ho Jaye were spotted rehearsing at Kent Star Rehearsal Hall, Veera Desai Road. The play is scheduled to embark on a tour on March 31st, 8pm at Rang Sharda, Bandra, followed by April 12 at Royal Opera House, 6.30 pm among other cities.
Avtar Gill plays Dinesh Kumar alias DK, who is a friend to Sudha Chandran’s on-screen character, Sagarika. Paintal plays the role of a loyalist who accompanies Sudha’s Sagarika as a Tabla player whereas Ravi Gossain plays Reema’s (Ridhima Bedi) husband. Ridhima portrays Sagarika’s daughter who blames her mother on her father’s alcoholism, eventually dying an untimely and unnatural death.
DS Pahwa’s association with the Indian entertainment industry goes back to the 70s, where from running a cinema hall in Delhi, he has distributed over 40 Hindi films. Beside film distribution, DS Pahwa has produced several critically acclaimed plays with numerous Bollywood personalities. “It's a play on relationships by master director Raman Kumar. The cast is simply perfect. And the rehearsals are shaping up very well,” concluded DS Pahwa.